Features of our virtual exhibition platform
On Demand

A section for attendees to access content at their leisure throughout the event and beyond if desired.
Key features
Upload literature and video content. Use this section to add brochures, presentations from live events, recorded events and recorded webinars… in fact anything you may think will be of interest to your audience during the event and content to catch up will after the event.
Special offers. A great opportunity to upload point of sale and coupons encouraging sales and engagement.
Upload business cards. During an event so much is happening, having a business card handy for potential contacts to save could be very useful.
Fully customisable. This page is yours to upload to as and when you wish, either by us or yourselves. Any file type can be uploaded and set too download or read only. Add forms to record who has downloaded what in real time.
Filter feature. Content can be filtered and catagorized – just let us know what your parameters are.
All items have an add to folder button so that items of particular interest can be saved to attendees’ own folders for even easier recall.
If you would like a run through of how our platform works, head over to https://www.plus-virtual.com/virtual-events and fill in the contact form, email [email protected] or call 01782 264110 and one of our advisors will be happy to help.