Why virtual events have EXPLODED

Virtual events have been brought to the forefront of the events industry due to the disruption of COVID-19. However, rather than replacing live events, Virtual Events have become the perfect addition to marketing strategies. Here at Plus Virtual HQ we feel that virtual events are here to stay and can work in harmony, as well as separately, with live events and here’s a few reasons why.
Interact even MORE with your audience
The element of travel is no longer a factor in the timing and planning of an event. No trains, no flights for your speakers. All you need them to do is click a button to enter, whether they do this from their office or home. This allows prospective speakers to become more available than normal allowing them more time to speak at your event and also to be more flexible for when they can present at your event.
Know exactly who is in your audience
Using clever sign up and registration techniques online platforms can allow attendees to sign up for the use of certain areas such as the webinar theatre, exhibition hall etc. This allows the speakers to have data readily available to create leads and follow up meetings and also to see who is attending/browsing. This is very different to a live event as you would see hundreds of nameless faces sat in front of you.
Audience engagement
One of the ways that online platforms are different to live events is the way that the audience engages with content, webinars etc. Through the clever uses of live polling, question and answers and much more, the audience can interact with speakers again through the click of a button with instant feedback given from the speaker. This is vital feature of virtual events.
See all of the features of our Plus-webinars system here.
On Demand
What happens after the show? On demand areas can remain live for audience members for as long as you wish. Allowing them to access content they may have missed after the show. This being very different to those who attend a live event and miss a speaker or presentation.
Global Audience
The goal of any event is to reach as many people as possible. That’s so much easier with a virtual event!Combine a virtual platform with your live event and just watch your attendee figures grow! Easily promote your event from within the platform and allow registrations pre-event or on the day. It’s automatic and does not need to be manned.
Prospects from around the world can join instantly without even thinking about travel. Hosting a virtual event event allows you to grow the audience and get everyone to participate, no matter where they live.
Require a little more information or would like a run through of how our platform works? Head over to https://www.plus-virtual.com/virtual-events and fill in the contact form and someone will be in touch!