Features of our virtual exhibition platform
Exhibition Hall
Give sponsors and exhibitors an opportunity to benefit from increased visibility and create sales opportunities during the event.
Key features
Exhibitor trade stand. Each exhibitor will have their own photorealistic render of a trade stand within an exhibition hall.
Upload exhibitor-specific literature and videos.
Direct navigation to exhibitor’s website. Allow exhibitor’s to maintain any momentum gained by allowing them to direct attendees to their own website.
Exhibitor specific offers and business cards. Special offers and handy business cards can be uploaded here to help your exhibitors make the most of the opportunity.
Chat function which now includes a video call feature, to enable conversation with exhibitors.
Shop. Shopping on exhibitors’ stands is a brand new exciting feature on the platform.
Book meetings. This feature allows attendees to book meetings with and message exhibitors, including making the use of the video call feature.
Direct navigation to webinars. There’s nothing more annoying than having to click back to foyers or agendas… access the webinar rooms directly from the exhibition hall.
DIY or fully project managed. Control your exhibitors’ branding and content yourself or hand it all over to us as part of your fully project managed experience.
If you would like a run through of how our platform works, head over to https://www.plus-virtual.com/virtual-events and fill in the contact form, email [email protected] or call 01782 264110 and one of our advisors will be happy to help.